The New Metropolitan

new cultures of urban citizenship



Urban Citizenship Scoping Project in Leith, Edinburgh

Posted by Stacey Hunter – Co-Editor @StaceyHunterEDI Join the conversation: Whether you’re a citizen, and activist or a property developer, I’d like you to take part in a public conversation during the next two months. The New Met has consistently provoked diverse discussions about urban citizenship… Continue Reading →

Our first public event on film: Amsterdam Street Art & Super-Gentrification

We’re delighted that our first event featuring Christoph Lindner was a huge success with a sold out venue, a brilliant speaker and panel and a lively audience debate afterwards. The entire event was filmed by The Future Positive studio and… Continue Reading →

Walk of Life: Art vs Advertising on Edinburgh’s Most Interesting Street

by Richie Cumming The visual landscape of my wee part of the world has changed fairly significantly over the last few months. There’s a new spectacle on Leith Walk drawing commuters’ eyes up from their hand-held devices and copies of… Continue Reading →

Can we give creative control to citizens through hacking?

Using storytelling as a method for investigating social practices, The Community Hacking project identified the principle of ‘writing back’ to a subject as a form of hacking. A series of workshops in Edinburgh encouraged community members to ‘write’ their memories of the area on to photographs that were… Continue Reading →

Edinburgh: Limits of Citizens’ Participation

Tahl Kaminer shines a light underneath the rhetoric of consultation and the limits of citizens’ participation. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Edinburgh City Council launched an ambitious series of consultations with locals as a prequel to the development of an… Continue Reading →

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