As part of our recent activities looking at gentrification, we couldn’t help but be drawn back again and again to the different ways the subject is captured, tagged or depicted visually. We’ve pulled some of these together into a gallery, please expand it by emailing us your images or simply tagging us in your Tweets
An image of gentrification in the face of raw sewage, otherwise known as Life In These Here Five Boroughs. The cover refers to the Gowns Canal a thin ribbon of toxic sewage than runs through an ultra trendy area of Brooklyn.
Precarity in Paradise
“OH I DON’T KNOW THESE BUILDINGS, I THINK I’M LOST” stencilled graffiti in Glasgow, posted by Leon Trollsky at
From: “how gentrification is destroying the london we live in”
Gentrification In Progress
Chaz Hutton’s Map of Every City
Tagged by georgrehm as ‘gentrification’ on Instagram
De-Gentrification Poster, Posted on Instagram by lexis_writing, Vienna, Austria
We Lose Space, Installation by Megan Wilson and Gordon Winiemko, San Francisco Art Commission Grove Street Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2000, photo by Megan Wilson
Illustration by Grayson Perry
Housing Cartoon from Southwark Notes
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